Cosplayers: You can win a ticket to the Disco Season 3 virtual premiere

You’ve heard the term — the “clothes make the man.” CBS All Access is putting this cliche to the test, and changing it up a bit. They’re challenging all those Trek cosplayers out there to share their very best outfit for a chance to watch the premiere of Star Trek: Discovery’s new season on October 16.

Fans have waited months to see what would happen to Michael Burnham, Saru and the rest of the Disco crew, which were launched so many years into the future. Wouldn’t it be great to watch the show with the cast?

Here’s what CBS All Access says you must do to enter:

The Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Premiere is almost here, and you could win a chance to attend the Virtual Premiere Event and party with the cast! Put on your best Star Trek costume and submit your photos and/or video for this special opportunity to win a digital ticket to the event.

It sounds like a great opportunity to get your best costume out — those who have them — and get a few photos done to upload!

For more information about the contest, and including the rules, visit

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 will begin streaming on CBS All Access on October 16, 2020 in the United States.