Will Star Trek: Picard feature Captain Worf?

When last was saw the great Mr. Worf, it was in Star Trek: Nemesis. Since then, the man who brought the Klingon to life, Michael Dorn, has been campaigning for a new Trek series, where Worf would be king! Actually, he’d be Captain Worf, which is close.

Dorn, through Worf, made 282 appearances in Trek series and films, including The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and all four TNG-era films.

Dorn signature

While some have speculated that the return of Captain Jean-Luc Picard would usher the return of Worf, there has been no solid evidence until this point. Thanks to the eagle-eyes of members of the Star Trek Picard: The Unofficial Fan Group on Facebook, we now have a pretty good idea that Worf will be returning to Star Trek.

As you can see, fan Jim Jones rightly pointed out that Michael Dorn’s signature appears on the clapperboard at the end of live production for the Picard series. Look closely in the white rectangle…

Below, Jones shares a Dorn autograph from a still photo of Star Trek: Generations. The two are nearly identical. Unless this is some kind of hoax, then 2020 means the return of the Son of Mogh.

For what purpose?

Why is Worf coming back — other than the fact that he’s a fan favorite character, who would likely cause Trek fans to sign up for new CBS: All Access subscriptions? It may be because the episodes of TNG and DS9 that featured Worf-centric storylines are among the very best for both series. Getting to delve deeper into the political world of the Klingons was fantastic, and watching Worf as a married “man” with Dax was great too — but for different reasons.

Dorn said that Gene Roddennberry told him to make the role his own, and Dorn certainly has. 

I think the real reason that Worf will be with Picard (if it all turns out to be true) is because there’s no one more likely to drop what he was doing to help out his old captain.

Who better to help out the his old friend than this Klingon warrior? Outside of Mr. Data (or B-4), there’s no one better. 

Star Trek: Picard debuts on CBS: All Access in 2020.

UPDATE: According to reporting from Newsweek, Michael Dorn himself has put down the rumors that he will be a part of the Picard show. No offense to the writer, but this report is baktag!